Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Free time.

Hello my dear readers, I hope that at the moment all of you are thinking of the same thing as me during a lot of times in a week: A SABBATICAL YEAR!

Generally, the young people (as me) want to spend time not only on their studies, but on traveling, working, having a great time, etc. So, when you start perceiving that the “obligations” consume all your time, obviously the idea about “having time to do other things” appears on your mind.

A lot of friends, after finishing the school, couldn’t join the University. Well, actually they could, but not in the careers that they wanted. Generally, in those cases people take a “sabbatical year”. In my opinion, these people don’t take a “real” sabbatical year, because they spend time on the “preuniversitario” courses or working a lot for not to spend time doing nothing.

I always think that if I take a sabbatical year, it will not be for thinking of studies, but on travelling a lot and do things that I can’t usually do. It would be great if I work for one semester and then travel for another semester. The work is necessary because saving money for traveling is very important. So, for me a sabbatical year means to do things only to have a resting time, without obligations as university, preuniversitario, etc. A sabbatical year is not a “crazy life” or something like that, it is an experience for relaxing and visiting new places and meeting new people.

To conclude, I only have to say that a sabbatical year is an experience that I hope to live while I am still young, because a person that travels a lot in Chile with a lot of responsibilities means she or he has a stable job or kids, so traveling becomes a situation very complicated.