Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First term!

My first term finished only a few weeks ago. My experience was very awful, because I didn’t pass all the subjects and the last exam was very complicated.
I only had one week of vacations, and in those days I had to study a lot. The last term it became in an endless period. The second opportunity exams made me study in my vacations, so I didn’t have fun enough in my “free days”.
When I returned to university, I was very tired, especially in the first week, so I didn’t go to classes, I just went for my exams. My results were awful, but I passed those subjects.
The only subject that I didn’t approve was sociology of culture, because I didn’t want to do the exam, so I failed! The truth is that sociology of culture is a very bad subject, the professor is a woman who looks as a very good person and funny, but she is boring and her subject for generations has been poorly evaluated. I really hope that the next time, the subject becomes interesting and fun!, because the experience was awful and torturous.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for you Francisca but university life is hard!!!
