Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Free time.

Hello my dear readers, I hope that at the moment all of you are thinking of the same thing as me during a lot of times in a week: A SABBATICAL YEAR!

Generally, the young people (as me) want to spend time not only on their studies, but on traveling, working, having a great time, etc. So, when you start perceiving that the “obligations” consume all your time, obviously the idea about “having time to do other things” appears on your mind.

A lot of friends, after finishing the school, couldn’t join the University. Well, actually they could, but not in the careers that they wanted. Generally, in those cases people take a “sabbatical year”. In my opinion, these people don’t take a “real” sabbatical year, because they spend time on the “preuniversitario” courses or working a lot for not to spend time doing nothing.

I always think that if I take a sabbatical year, it will not be for thinking of studies, but on travelling a lot and do things that I can’t usually do. It would be great if I work for one semester and then travel for another semester. The work is necessary because saving money for traveling is very important. So, for me a sabbatical year means to do things only to have a resting time, without obligations as university, preuniversitario, etc. A sabbatical year is not a “crazy life” or something like that, it is an experience for relaxing and visiting new places and meeting new people.

To conclude, I only have to say that a sabbatical year is an experience that I hope to live while I am still young, because a person that travels a lot in Chile with a lot of responsibilities means she or he has a stable job or kids, so traveling becomes a situation very complicated.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hi everybody! Today I gonna tell you about a problem that everybody knows, but only a few persons do something about: Enviromnent
I think that people in general think that the problems with the enviromnent are very important, but most of the cases of concern only are just preocupation and nothing of “action”. Actually, I was one of them.
A long time ago I received an e-mail about the future water problems, and after that I started to think not only in the water, but also in the air, trees, animals, etc. So, when a little but powerful message really disturbs your mind, you start seeing the world in a different way.
If it is true that I’m not a vegetarian, I haven’t got any trees in my house, I’m not a member of Greenpeace and I’m not a big fan of bicycle, today I’m doing a lot of little actions to care my enviromnent. For example, in the supermarket I prefer the paper bags, because the plastic bags are very harmful for the enviromnent. If you don’t know, the environment takes about 150 years to degrade a plastic bag, 150 YEARS!.
It would be great if in Santiago everybody cares about the environment, I think if the city lost the gray air and the streets were very green, the trees wouldn’t stop being an impediment for the modernization.
Every time that I see the city and the suroundings, I only see a lot of trash. Specially in the highways, because they are very very dirty. A lot of times with my family did see other persons throwing garbage on the highway, and not only papers or something like that, but things as diapers.
Chile in my opinion is a country very uncareful with the environment, so I only hope that with time nothing wrong hapen.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The best party that I have had it was last summer. The story begins, when after a lot of years, I spoke again with my neighbor “coke”. He is a kind a friend of my childhood, the last time that I saw him was when I was ten years. So, seeing him was very exciting, because I didn’t have any news of him for many of years.
His birthday is in February and he invited me the day before the party. The party was in “Cajón del maipo” in a pub called “El arriero”.
He plays with his band and I met a lot of new people, that now they are very good friends.
The people were crazy hahaha, a guy took off his clothes and flirted with some girls, it was disgusting.
All the people were drunk and many persons smoke weed, so the atmosphere became very very crazy.
I was dancing and singing with a lot of strangers (Coke’s friends) and my neighbor came to me and asked me if I was too bad to drive, because he couldn’t and needed my support to go home hahaha.
I recognized that I was very drunk and happy haha, but clearly better than Coke. So I kept dancing and waiting to go home. At six in the morning I went home, it was so difficult drive! Everything was very dark, because in Cajón del maipo there aren’t any lights on the streets, so only the car can show you the way.
The party finished with a mc Nífica on Mc donalds for the “bajón”, and then we went to Coke’s house for the “after party”. I went to my bed at nine in the morning, so clearly my Sunday was lost!.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Beach!

Hello everybody! Today I will tell you about a very important place for me. Guanaqueros is a beach of the IV region of Chile. My dad, in his childhood, constantly traveled to Guanaqueros with his family (My Grandfather Guillermo had a house there), so obviously he have a very good memories about that place. So, with time, my father doesn’t take a lot of time to take us to Guanaqueros.
All the family likes the beach, so Guanaqueros becomes the place of family vacations. Every year I go to the beach with my family, but this year is the first time that we went for the 18th September.
I must confess that Guanaqueros is not a kind of crazy place with a lot of parties or something like that. But if you want a calm place, enjoy a nice beach and eat the best seafood empanadas of Chile, perhaps you can try go to Guanqueros.
If the place is not very exciting for you, Tongoy.is very near of Guanaqueros. This is another great beach, it has more things, such as a drugstore and a supermarket. But the best thing in Tongoy is the seafood market, a place where you can eat a fantastic “cebiche and mariscal”.
On 18th September, the beach was awesome. The weather was amazing, so if you wanted, you could swim. I think that Guanaqueros is a very good option if your intention is run away of the city and take a very relaxing time.
To conclude, although it is true that my celebration days weren’t a crazy party and a drunken stay, I had very comfortable days, sharing with my lovely people, taking sun and eating the kind of food that in Santiago practically doesn’t exist or is very expensive.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tiqui tiqui ti!

I’ll go to Guanaqueros in the national holiday. I always go to Guanaqueros with my family, and will be the first time that i go on 18th September. My parents love the idea to travel on the holidays, so in a date like this, is not an exception.

My family is always saving money, but in the holidays, mi parents spend so much money celebrating, specially in barbecues. Actually, this thing is very funny, because they buy a lot of food in the supermarket, food as for twenty people, but we are only five.

I really like the national day, because is a very important celebration for me and my family and also Chile. Every year i really enjoy the national day, because the national games and music are incredibly entertaining. I don’t know how would be this year, but I hope that me and my family may have a nice national holidays.

I think that the most important thing on this year is the bicentennial. The celebration is gonna be amazing, so I have a lot of expectation about this.

I only have to say, that this 18th September, the people must eat all the “empanadas” that they can and drink a lot of wine and “chicha”. Actually a 18th September without these things it can't be a national holiday.

Free and Free

On our days, the education is a very big problem for the students and for the society in general. Unfortunatelly in Chile, doesn’t exist a real state university, because in all the universities you have to pay for study any career.

I think that the real problem is the privatization of all the services and rights, as the education. In our country, if you want to study anything in the university, you should know that the motivation is not enough, because the thing that always control your posibilities to be a profesional is the money. So, The Chilean University is really a state university system?

The solution for a problem like this is leaving the idea that promove the right that allowing a education market. Actually, a lot of schools and universities are privatized, making a big difference in our people, taking away her possibilities and human rights.

It would be great to come back to the 60’, when everybody could study for free on the university. Now the education it`s so different and unfair… perhaps, if i have children, they might know a different education, more just with oportunities for all. I hope that the idea “Chilean University, free and free”, becomes not in a far dream.